Lab Zone Hospital & Hormone Center

Welcome To Labzone Hospital & Hormone Center, Diabetic Road, Sabalia, Tangail,Bangladesh. Call: 01714-789081,01714027316.


About Us

Welcome to LZHC

LZHHC has all the characteristics of a world-class hospital in Tangail with wide range of services and specialists, Equipment’s and technology, ambience and service quality. The hospital is a showcase of synergy of medical technology and advances in laboratory services. The skilled nurses, technologists and administrators of lab Zone Hospital & Hormone Center, Tangail, aided by state-of-the-art equipment’s, provide a congenial infrastructure for the medical professionals in providing healthcare of international standards.

Emergency Call 01714789081

Our Mission

We are dedicated to meeting the needs of:

Our patient : excellent and cost-effective healthcare

Our staff : continuing development and welfare

Our nation : partnership in promoting health in Bangladesh.

Our Vision

“To be a renowned organization at the leading edge of Medicine, providing quality healthcare to meet our nation’s aspirations.”